The best option for your industrial needs
SANA International

“The secret of success is to do the common thing uncommonly well..”
– John D. Rockefeller Jr.
Upcoming Events

Petrochemical Plants
Having equipment with the new technology is essential for petrochemical plants. Find with us the newest technology. we can help you with financing.

Merchant Ships
Do you need pistons or power packs for your boat's engines? Come with us, we can help you.
Offshore Platforms
We have what you need for your offshore platforms, from drilling equipment, pipeline, fishing for:
Fixed Platforms, Semi-Submersibles, Compliant Tower, Vertical Moored Tension Leg, Sub-Sea Completion.
Oil & Gas Drilling Equipment
We have BOP’s, Casings, Mud Gas Separators, Rams, and Trees, Valves, Crossovers, Joints, Elevators, Space Spools, etc.